Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Super Sized Stupid...

This struggling economy worldwide has made so many things seem scarce…But never fear, stupidity is still alive and so well fed it’s now apparently overweight. That’s right, it’s still here, BIG as life and as foolish as ever.

This time stupidity shows up disguised as a man some may refer to as Martin Kessman. He currently seems to be under the impression that his being overweight must confer him extra special benefits in this universe, like having the business’s he chooses to frequent, remodel and rebuild to accommodate his expansive girth.

Mr Kessman has sent several letters of complaint to the fast food, burger franchise “White Castle” complaining their booth seating is too small for him specifically, (because he banged his knee) and he is unable to squeeze himself into them ‘comfortably’. White Castle sent him back letters of apology, letting him know they planned to expand their booth seating size and then they even added coupons for free burgers to help sooth his wounded ego in the meantime.

Apparently he didn’t feel White Castle was doing enough for him personally, so Mr Kessman filed what can only be described as a frivolous lawsuit against the burger broker claiming they have violated his civil rights….Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, because he is obese.

I think the only disability this guy has is mental deficiency and maybe greed. Although they may have unwittingly aided in the process, is not White Castles fault that he actively chose to increase his own body mass beyond unhealthily overweight, to the point where he is unable to fit into a fairly roomy booth space. Despite now, not being able to fit the seating, Mr Kessman continues onward and outward, undaunted in his gluttonous burger binging by sending his wife to pick them up regularly for him…After all, every one of those well and fully cultivated fat cells add dramatically to his ‘super sized’ stupid and his Americans with Disabilities street cred, don’t they?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Electrifyingly Simple Stuff....

Electric cars…

They DO sound good but, this is one of those concepts that looks better on paper than it does in reality, at least so far. This is a complex, multifaceted problem that has been too rushed in some directions and much too long delayed in others. As a result, it resembles a fledgling cook’s first attempt at making the holiday family dinner. The rolls are burnt, the turkey’s still frozen and the gravy’s gone so stiff it could be tile grout.

The artistry and brilliant science of those innovative car makers who are trying to head down the alternative fuels path IS admirable, but I seriously question the intelligence behind those electric versions that rely on the use of stored battery power and that are ‘fueled’ via plugging in to a heavy duty power outlet.

So far it’s obvious this ‘Plug~In’ Rechargeable Electric Vehicle Plan’ isn’t going to free us from (or even lessen), our reliance (dependence) on costly foreign oil, vanishing fossil fuels or the frightening possible scenarios of (still barely understood) nuclear energy…Remember, it STILL takes (at least) one of those fuels to spin the turbines that create electricity, that comes to the outlet the cord plugs into, that leads to the batteries, which power the Ultra/Uber expensive electric car that the 'Average Joe' and 'Sensible Cindy' kind of driver really can’t afford the purchase price of, even with financing.

Solar power still looks to be the best way to get the job done. We need to get the brilliant minds developing the innovative, hair thin, energy collection films that can be used on any surfaces (even clear glass) together with the inventors of lightweight rechargeable energy storage devices and then convince them to share their brand new toys with some of the clever car kids…

Now, if only we could keep the Big Bullies who have been holding sway over the political playgrounds out of the smart kids sandbox. Oh, you know ’em, there’s The Bruiser Big Oil, Nasty Nuclear, Coal the Cootie and the Stinky Kids, those Stock Market Profiteers…
Ok, that’s the plan….So, who’s going to take playground duty this week?