Oh, here we go again...Yes indeed, another round of Mercury retrograde. This time Mercury will sit in station (or spend a slightly longer time at a certain degree as it changes direction), on April 16th when it arrived at 12 degrees Taurus (and some odd minutes), It went retrograde on April 18th and will go direct again on May 11th, but will actually still be at station (and working up some steam for the move) at 2 degrees...until the 13th. This all happens in the sign of Taurus this period and having your chart in front of you to see how it will effect you personally can be a great big help in how to deal with the potential tricky spots that might arise now.
For me, being a Gemini rising, that puts the sign of Taurus (at 12 degrees) in my 12th house when it begins this whole adventure. The 12th house rules things that are hidden....I started having some strange experiences with water as our old buddy Mercury sat stationary at 12 degrees and exactly opposed to my Neptune in Scorpio, these experiences all involved hidden (12th house influence) sources of water and fluids (the neptune/scorpio influence). They did not do what they normally do and CERTAINLY not what was expected....ummm...Yeah...yikes!
Toilets overflowed, because (inside, hidden) flapper valves didn't close, a hidden pipe (NOT easily accessed, hidden inside a wall) began leaking....Even a still 'factory sealed', unblemished gallon container of water decided to spring not one, but TWO pinpoint leaks after weeks of being safe sound and solid...and started leaking inside a closed (hidden away) cupboard.....and then a trigger spray bottle of that pretty blue window cleaner that had been used for weeks with nary a problem at all... suddenly decided to purge its contents out the spout on the top shelf...drip, drip, drip....all this in 3 days of mercury at 12 degrees Taurus...wheee!
Mercury retrograde usually fouls up the mercury 'ruled' things like communication, and the vehicles for communication like the Internet, mail, phone signals, fax signals and printouts (or the lack thereof), answering machines and all manner (spoken, printed, written or read) of communications in general...even to the point of our misreading menus and notes from friends. It also can mess with our short trips around our little day-to-day worlds, our cars (or whatever we use to take those trips, like bikes, buses, taxi's etc)...
But that's just a start! If you know what house you have it visiting and the planets (like my Neptune) that it aspects you can have a better idea of the potential impact that mercury retrograde might have in your life.
Under the sign of Taurus we might also expect to see some odd happenings with money or things of value in general, so don't be totally surprised if your ATM machine suddenly does some wacky stuff, or the bank statement is a little off...You'll need to double check everything! Also, take care of things that mean security to you in general, how you use your credit cards and passwords, remember to lock doors when leaving and then double check to be sure they engaged. You may find yourself dealing with odd food cravings and could even find yourself falling "out-of-love with a favorite flavor or snack during this time. How your greedy or generous could be tested now as well.
Mercury retrograde might be best seen as a little poke from the universe to get our attention back on what we've been taking for granted...A little 'wake up call' to pull us out of our daily haze and make us better appreciate all the times when things DO run well and smoothly. I know I'm just that little bit more appreciative of fluids and the things that carry them in my life, so I guess mercury accomplished THAT mission!
Until next time....Good luck to you and I'm going to hope it's just a 'little' poke from mischievous mercury for you...